Jacob Lampert discovered and operated the J-R Gold Mine, near Hill City,SD,in the late 1800's.The graphic below indicates the date of 3.1864 carved into a pitch log. This log was found by Jim Evans in a gift shop on the outskirts of Hill City, SD near the location of the Jacob Lampert homesite. The gift shop owner reported it was found near a mine shaft on the J-R mining claim. If the log is authentic, <and there is some doubt to me that it is >, then a young (around the age of 20) Jacob Lampert was exploring for gold in the Black Hills of SD years before the Custer Expedition of 1874. Jacob married in February, 1869,at Neenah,Wisconsin. Four of the five children of Jacob and his wife Helen were born in Wisconsin. It is speculated that Jacob probably traveled between the two states, working the claim part time during the milder weather and spending the winters with his family in Wisconsin. (The reader will have to draw his own conclusions.) Eventually he moved his family to the Black Hills sometime between the years 1880 and 1884. (Now known to be April 1881)
Recent information supplied by Lori Ostrich from census figures of 1860 and 1870, Winnebago Co., Clayton Twp. reveal that Jacob was a resident as was his to be wife, Helena and were neighbors. The 1880 Census, Portage Co.,Stevens Point; lists "Jacob, age 35, born in Switzerland, miller. Lena (Helena?), wife 30, born in Germany, son George Lampert age 6, born in WI., Alma age 6, Ada age 4, son age 2 months all born in WI. Also listed is Herman Kresse ("Lena's brother"), age 23 born in WI, miller, Leonard Lampert, age 10, 'other', born in WI. Jacob West, age 23 born in WI, laborer and Marie Corrigan, age 23, born in WI, servant.
And from the Stevens Point Journal, Wi. "J. Lampert and C. Kresse as owners of a flour mill." The April 16, 1880 Stevens Point Journal says " J.Lampert formerly of the North Star Flouring Mills, but more lately of the Shaurette Mills, started for Rapid City, Dakota on Thursday, where he expects to go into the milling business. Rapid City is located at the foot of the Black Hills, 42 miles from Deadwood and is a growing city with fine prospects. Mr. Lampert has been a resident of this city for upwards of five years, and established one of our most important enterprises, the North Star Mills, We are sorry to lose such as he-an enterprising, energetic, honest and upright citizen and a useful member of society-but what is our loss is Rapid City's gain. During the past year Mr. Lampert has served in the capacity of alderman from the second ward, which position he has filled with honor to himself and credit to the city. We wish him the upmost success in his new home."
Jacob Lampert family
taken in Rapid City 1/29/1886
Jacob was 'quite an entrepreneur' and was known to be involved in cattle ranching south of Rapid City, SD, owning a flour mill in Rapid City, SD (The Gate City Mill), a gold mine (the J-R at Hill City, SD),a shoe and boot store in Rapid City, SD and owning a patent (for the Wilfley Concentating Table <29 January 1895>, and beginning the Rapid City Lumber and Machinery Co. Graphics of the Rapid City Lumber and Machinery, and of sons, Orlin Walter and Arthur A. are included.

Pitch stump found at the JR mine

JR Lampert Branding Iron: 'R over quarter circle' also read as the 'rocking R'

Rapid City Lumber and Machinery Company founded by J R Lampert, which burned to the ground April 29, 1954

Sons Orlin Walter Lampert (left) and ArthurA.Lampert (right) in the office of the Lumber Co.

Alma, J.George, Pat Egan, Ada, Arthur (1) and Orlin Walter
Helena and Jacob
Ada and Pat Egan's wedding day, Jan 29, 1896