Jerolyn Marie Lampert was born March 4, 1943, at Rapid City,SD. On November 18, 1967, she married John Lester Ferley who was born on February 24,1944 at Pierre, SD. Jerolyn and John had two children; Natali Mischel born May 30, l968, and Ty Michael born February 3, 1970. Both children were born in Rapid City. Jerolyn and John were divorced and she married David Rayborn Ruth who was born at Deadwood, SD 0n May 16, 1948. David is a graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technoloy with a degree in Mining Engineering. Jerolyn and David have their home in Elko, Nevada.
Natali Mischel born May 30, 1968 married Gregory Kemp, born May 27, 1967 At Rapid City, SD, on March 21, 1992 at Deadwood, SD. Greg and Natalie have two children: Sundance James Kemp born Octobeer 7, 1993 at Bozeman, MT. and Sedona Schai Kemp born Decembere 27, 1995 at Bozeman, MT. Gregory was born on May 27, 1968. Natali and Greg live in Las Vegas,NV
Ty Michael was born on February 3, 1970 at Rapid City, SD. Ty received a degree in Psychology from Boulder, CO. Ty is currently living in Henderson, Nevada and works for Nutrition for Life International.
Cheryl Marvine Lampert was born on June 3, 1944, at Rapid City, SD. She married John Paul Bingham on March 14, 1963. John was born Jan 29, 1942, in Morgantown, Pennsylvania. John (usually called Jack) is a graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology with a degree in Mining Engineering and MBA from Harvard. Jack and Cheryl had two children; Kimberly Lynn born September 25, 1968, at Tucson, Arizona.Kim died at Las Vegas, Nevada on March 2, 1991, at age 23. Stephanie Paulette was born December 13, 1969 at Tucson, Arizona. Stephanie married David Elmer Sivertson on November 29, 1991 at Las Vegas, Nevada. They are parents of two children and make their home in Henderson, Nevada. Their son is Cody David, born April 18, 1992, at Las Vegas, and daughter, Kylah Kimberly, who was born September 29, 1993.
Jackie Papke was born July 21, 1949, at Detroit, Michigan. She married Daniel Cooper on June 3, 1990, at Fort Collins, Colorado. Dan was born March 9, 1949. Jackie graduated from SD State University and is employeed by US West. Dan owns and operates a jewelry store in Fort Collins.