Through developing this site on my own family's geneology, I realizd more and more that we are all brothers and sisters, we are all branches in humanity's family tree. Each geneology site gives us a fuller picture of the evergreen tree of life.
Arthur A. Lampert, Jr., WebMaster


 Lampert Family


This web site is dedicated to all Lampert's, especially to all the descendants of Jacob R. Lampert, who immigrated from Flasch, Switzerland with his parents in 1846. All descendants related by birth, marriage or adoption are welcome to call this "home". We are all family.


Historiography of the origins of the Lampert family.

The name Lampert is derived in early history from the old german word "Land" and originated from the first name Lambrecht (in Latin Lambertus) initially spelled: Landoberht, Landbert, Lampert,and Lampart. (1)

The name Lampert, especially the earlier writing Lampart, shows upper Italian origin. The name Lamparts (today Lombardy) during the Middle Ages referred to people from the duchy of Mailand. People who migrated at that time into the neighboring German province would then have been called Lampart. (2)

For the origin of the name, the old form Lampart points to the Italian tribe of Lombards, here called Lamparts. (3)

The arrival of Lampert's in Flasch, was due to emigrations and marriages between people from adjacent Austrian and German provinces. Outside of the branches, Jacob, Florian and Christian, there also lived in Flasch about 15 Lampert families between 1760 and 1800 who's connections remain unknown. From there the Lampert families emigrated widely in all directions, including the United States and Canada. (2)

The oldest date for the Lampert family goes back to 1379. On this date a Lampert from Flasch took up citizenship in the town of Chur. (6)

Flasch, Switzerland

Flasch is an incorporated village, Canton of Grisons, district of Landquart, township of Maienfeld; 1722 ft., above sea level. It is at the foot of the Flascherberg, not far from the right shore of the Rhine River; about five miles from the railroad station of Maienfeld, on the Sargans-Coire division. In 1939 the incorporated village together with a section of Luziensteig,had 81 homes and 404 inhabitants. The major occupations were cattle breeding and vineyards. The village was totally destroyed by fire in 1622 and again in 1822. At the Luziensteig there was recovered a stone ax and bronze hair ornaments dating back to the Bronze Era. The Geographical Encyclopedia of Switzerland indicates the village name in the year 891 was Fassia.

Recent correspondance from the Concul General of Switzerland indicates that "Flasch is a very tiny village and therefore not marked on most maps. It is close to Maienfeld in the Canton of Graubunden." (7)

Archives in Flasch show the oldest date for the Lampert Family name appears back to 1379. More detailed geneological written history is complicated by the two fires in the village of Flasch, in which the l822 fire (lasting 7 days),destroyed the parsonage and church records. ( 4) Another fire, this one in the USA involving the Customs House in New York City,circa 1860, destroyed records confirming dates of arrival in America by Lampert Family immigrants. Other data indicates Lampert's arrived in New Orleans and Philadelphia from European countries including England, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, France and Russia. (5)